In late 2012, the Swimming Pool Amendment Act 2012 (NSW) came into force, a measure in reducing drowning deaths priority. This and subsequent amendments have made the followings changes to Swimming Pools in NSW:
1986 version(AS 1926(1986) for pools built between 1 August 1990 and 31 August 2008
2007 versionpart 1 (AS 1926.1 (2007) for pools built between 1 September 2008 and 30 April 2013
2012 versionpart 1 (AS 1926.1(2012) for pools built on or after 1 May 2103.
Pools built prior to August 1990, the applicable standards is Clause 6 of the 1998 Regulations or
Clause 6 of the 2008 Regulations.
Australia is a country that has a strong affinity with water, and it is natural for children to be
drawn to water. With all its beauty and fun a swimming pool has a deadly side, especially with young
children. Children in the age group ‘0 to 4 years’ unfortunately account for the majority of drowning
or near drowning each year. With a majority of deaths occurring in backyard swimming pools.
State governments throughout Australia have or are introducing state legislation requiring swimming
pool (including spas) registration and a minimum standard for swimming pool barrier compliance (ie
New South Wales Queensland South Australia Western Australia Victoria Northern Territory Tasmania
29 April 2013 – Pool registration opens (a swimming pool includes a spa)
19th November 2013 – Pool registration 29 October deadline extension expires –
Fines may apply for non-registration
The registration period has now closed, but you can still register your pool
or spa. So register NOW, if you have not already done so.
30 October 2013 – councils commence swimming pool compliance inspections
29 April 2016 – The mandated Compliance Certificate (or Occupancy Certificate) for
all properties sold or leased has been extended from 29 April 2014 to 2016.
Relevant Legislation
Swimming Pool Act 1992;
Swimming Pool Regulations 2008
Conveyancing (Sale of Land) Regulation 2010
Rental Tenancies Regulation 2010.
From 1 May 2013 Volume Two of the Building Code of Australia (BCA) will reference AS1926.1–2012
(Safety barriers for swimming pools), AS1926.2–2007 (Location of safety barriers for swimming pools)
and AS1926.3-2010. For pools constructed or installed on or after 1 May 2013, they will need to be
constructed / installed in accordance to these standards.
For pools constructed or installed prior to 1 May 2013, contact TritonPSI today to discuss your pool
compliance requirements.
“Key Dates Relevant Legislation Updates”
South Australia has multiple pieces of legislation governing swimming pool
barrier compliance. They are:
Pools (Safety) Act 1972 (SA)
Act 1993 (SA) section 71AA
Regulations 2008 (SA) regulation 76D
Specification SA 76D
In addition to this, the Australian Building Code and the Australian Standard on swimming pool
barriers, AS 1926, also prescribe minimum swimming pool barrier compliance standards that must also
be met.
The standard that is applicable to your swimming pool barrier is dependent on the date of approval,
construction or installation of the swimming pool. Should the swimming pool barrier be modified at a
later date, then the barrier will need to meet the swimming pool barrier compliance and building code
standards applicable at the time of modification.
If you are selling your property with a swimming pool, the pool owner is responsible for making sure
that current safety requirements for swimming pool safety are met. This may mean you may have to
upgrade fencing or barriers.
If the property where a swimming pool is located is not for sale, the swimming pool can continue to
comply with the old Swimming
Pools (Safety) Act 1972.. Swimming Pools (Safety) Act 1972. The Act requires a swimming pool
owner to
ensure that the swimming pool is enclosed by a fence, wall or building to restrict access by young
If the property is sold after 1 October 2008, the child-safety barriers must comply with Minister’s
Specification SA 76D before settlement. That is, the barriers must be installed to separate the
area from the house, except where exemptions apply and to the specifications of the current edition
of the Australian Standard on swimming pool barriers, AS 1926.1. The current edition is 2012.
The revised Minister’s Specification SA 76D took effect on 15 May 2014 and only applies to swimming
pools and spa pools that were approved, constructed or installed before 1 July 1993 and were subject
to the Swimming
Pools (Safety) Act 1972
Swimming pools built on or after 1 July 1993 must comply with the rules that were current when the application for construction was submitted. This includes the provisions of the Development Act 1993 and the Building Code of Australia to restrict access to the swimming pool from the house, garage, street and any adjoining properties.
“Key Dates Relevant Legislation Updates”
“Key Dates Relevant Legislation Updates”
“Key Dates Relevant Legislation Updates”
“Key Dates Relevant Legislation Updates”
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